Managing Your Ecommerce Website Inventory

How many times have you ordered something online only to later discover it is out of stock? Now put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Imagine your inventory is displaying products that are unavailable. Unhappy customers, especially those who have been let down, tell other people about their poor online shopping experience. That is why carefully managing your ecommerce inventory is pivotal.

Managing your inventory effectively starts with reviewing your current processes. For example, can you manage your inventory centrally? Being able to view your inventory for all channels in one place reduces the likelihood of errors and saves times.

The benefits of a centralised inventory

As well as giving you a clear overview, a centralised inventory helps you see, at a glance, what your supplier needs are. It will indicate if you need to consider back-up suppliers and may even prompt you to consider drop shipping. Good inventory management will give your customers confidence in your ability to meet orders.

However, the best inventories are integrated with suppliers and stock levels. They automatically update so you are always in the know and in control. You will never sell something your website can’t supply. Your online platform with either show a product is out of stock or stop displaying it. This is the fool-proof way to protect your business’s reputation.

Automation and integration safeguards your inventory

Comgem is the UK’s market-leading developer of B2B ecommerce solutions. Its award-winning Gemsuite platform provides unrivalled supplier integration. Commercial director Dani Attard says: “Gemsuite also integrates with legacy systems, including stock control. It will automatically show you what stock you have available and help you set protocols that ensure you never sell something you haven’t got.

“Our tech works with real-time data, providing the clearest inventory overview. It ensures you know not just what stock you have got but what your suppliers have too. Robust inventory tech is imperative in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Without centralised management, mistakes happen more often and can prove extremely costly.”

Find out more about Gemsuite and how it helps ecommerce platforms with centralised inventory management. Visit our website to find out more.